Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Surprise DX!

At home a little earlier than usual this afternoon I decided to take an hour out in the shack. 15 metres seemed quite active so I set up the FT1000MP on PSK31 and worked UR4UM  which confirmed everything was working OK since i changed soundcards on this machine.
I left the rig monitoring the bands whilst I pottered about in the shack. Nothing unusual on the screen, mainly European stations with the occasional Stateside signal to be seen. Then I noticed HI8CSS calling CQ from Dominican Republic. I called him, not expecting a reply as surely there would be a pile up and I was running 20 watts into my doublet. He came back to me instantly with a 599 report and I had 100% copy on him. So a new country for me and quite a shock too!


  1. HI8CSS is quite a regular on PSK31, Kevin. In fact he's on 15m right now, his call just printed up as I typed!

    Julian, G4ILO

  2. You're lucky, i tried to catch HI in JT65 for some time now, everytime there's a huge pileup and unless I'm running too much power for a low power mode he goes away before I have the chance to work him.

  3. That's a great catch, it's nice to see that once in a blue moon spot and then to contact them is just icing on the cake.

  4. Good job, Kevin. 15 meter is often in a good shape. 73 Paul
