Friday, 6 September 2013

A new one for me!

I have never been . the keenest of Dxers, I am.more of a listener and a ragchewer when it comes to radio. My motto however has always been if I do hear the DX and I have the opportunity I will try to work it!
Tuning around an otherwise quiet 10 metre band this afternoon I heard VP8LP at good strength (a genuine S9) calling CQ. I went back to him and got a 5/4 report on my second call. Proof that the Antron CB vertical works OK on 10. I qsy'ed a little further down the band and called CQ but had no replies. Tuning around I could hear nothing else . I guess that's what makes 10 metres such an interesting band.


  1. Good result, always nice to catch some rare DX. 73 Paul

  2. Well dropping down to 10m paid off for sure and to think it was dead but this station was somehow coming out of the woodwork! I have never been able to contact the Falklands I have seen them on spotting networks but never heard them. Maybe it's time to hang out on 10m and take a listen.

  3. Hi Paul and Mike

    Thanks for the comments. Yes 10 metres is an unpredictable band. the strange thing is at the time I could not hear any other signals, not even on CW, the band appeared dead. So ten metres has to be worth a visit and the odd CQ call even if the band seems closed.
